Designer Applications
● Regulars Booth - L$2,000 = 40 prim
● Sponsor Booth - L$ 3,500 = 70 prim
● Every 6th of the month (12pm SLT) -----------------------------> EVENT OPEN
● Every 30th of the month (12pm SLT) ----------------------------> EVENT CLOSE
● Every 15th of the month ----------------------------------------> RESERVE PAYMENT OPEN
● Every 25th of the month ---------------------------------------> RESERVE PAYMENT CLOSE
● Every 30th of the month ---------------------------------------> SETUP OPEN
● Every 4th of the month ----------------------------------------> SETUP CLOSE
● Every 5th of the month ----------------------------------------> EXTRA TIME (L$ 1000 FEE)
● NO THEME required. (Except for dates chosen by the event, we will let you know if it happens)
● Only Stores with vendors and good quality products will be accepted
● Allowed to ONLY use the BOOTH area, don't put ANYTHING beyond the booth Limit! (unless permission granted for larger items)
● FULL PERM retexturing is allowed, but the event is not responsible for identical items with the same texture, so always try to create original textures.
● It´s MANDATORY 1 exclusive item or two (2) items that are previous releases in your booth set with a discount of 15%+ (the exclusive item can only be put up for sale in your store after the event has closed)
● Any type of infringement against LL's TOS, Copyright infringement and COPYBOOTH will NOT BE TOLERATED.
● Items that Linden Lab considers harmful, including any content that is illegal, harassing, or violates any person's rights. ELEVATE6 will have the right to delete any items that violate these rules.
● It is the designer's responsibility to check group notices and respond to managers if they receive messages or notecards.
● It is the Designer's total responsibility to notify the event managers IN ADVANCE (3 DAYS) In case of delays or cancellations.
● In case of cancellation, delays, or any reasons not caused by the event, the amount paid for the reservation WILL NOT BE REFUNDED.
● The event Kiosk must be placed in your store in a visible location.
● Stay within the established prim limits, if too many prims are placed the designer will be warned. If after the warning the error persists, the designer will be removed from the event without refund!
● No floating text or anything that risks lag, Only vendor scripts. (if you are unsure ask a member of staff)
● Respect the payment deadline, otherwise the store will be REPLACED without the right to a refund of the amount paid.
● Respect the deadline SETUP otherwise a fee of L$1000 will be charged for 1 extra day.
● We kindly request everyone to maintain flexibility and open communication during setup to ensure a smooth and efficient process.
● Our team is made up of responsible and professional people. Therefore, we do not tolerate any type of misconduct, so when speaking to our STAFF, be polite and kind, otherwise we will invite the designer to leave our event.
>>>> Prompt response is greatly appreciated, as meticulous planning and setup are integral to the success of our event. <<<<